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Annual Report Competition

AT&T Mexico
Generador Estudio Grafico

Sustainability Report Highlights:
View Competition Class Performance

Company/Agency Name:AT&T Mexico /
Generador Estudio Grafico
Company/Agency Web  /
Annual Revenue:$1 - $10 billion
Employee Base:1,000 - 10,000 employees
Core Industry:Telecommunications
Type of Report:Sustainability Report
Title/Theme:AT&T Sustainability Annual Report 2023 /We Connect Mexico to better possibilities
Regional Top 50 Rank:3 (Americas Region)
Country-Based Honors:Top 20 Mexican Reports
Industry Award Garnered:Platinum
Top 100 Worldwide Rank:6

Judging Results

First Impression:


 out of 30
Report Cover:


 out of 10
Letter to Shareholders:


 out of 10
Report Narrative:


 out of 10
Report Financials:


 out of 10


 out of 10
Message Clarity:


 out of 10
Information Accessibility:


 out of 10
Total Score:


 out of 100

annual report awards, annual report competition, annual reports

LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Industry Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Top 100 Winner - #6
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Special Achievement Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Industry Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Top 100 Winner - #6
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Special Achievement Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Industry Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Top 100 Winner - #6
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Worldwide Special Achievement Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards - Top 20 Mexican Annual Reports
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Top 80 Winner - #3 Americas Region
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Special Achievement Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards - Top 20 Mexican Annual Reports
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Top 50 Winner - #3 Americas Region
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Special Achievement Winner - Platinum
LACP 2023 Vision Awards - Top 20 Mexican Annual Reports
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Top 50 Winner - #3 Americas Region
LACP 2023 Vision Awards Regional Special Achievement Winner - Platinum

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